Professional Grooming Workshop

Mar. 14, 2022


Do you think appearance counts in an interview? What can you do to boost your chance of securing a job? In this complex world, first impression counts. A sharp appearance is expected in an interview and it will boost your chances of securing the job as it shows that you are poised and polished.

Come join us for this complimentary 2-hours Professional Grooming Workshop this coming 30 March 2022 (Wednesday), 3.00pm to 5.00pm!


  1. It will boost your self-confidence and enhance your professional appearance
  2. Create a first and lasting impression for your employers during an interview
  3. Pick up tips related to skincare, makeup, appropriate attire (matching of colors), perfume, accessories, and hairstyling (Applicable for both males and females)
  4. Elevating your personal brand through professional grooming
  5. Guide on how to ace a virtual interview
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